Sunday, October 28, 2012

Celcom Porta Wifi

I m having problem with wifi. My company lenova require me to connect to internet without using any external broadband modem for security purposes.

The good news the cheapest data plan is celcom,mine was basic 68 ringgit with capping 4G. That is enough for me.

Since there is package for wifi modem, I immediately grab one.  Now I no longer lepak in mamak, in middle of night just to check my emails.

Plus, it can support 5 users at one time.

As for my note 2, I dont prefer to use company email since China will scan from time to time... in other words you will no longer have your privacy.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Back to blogging

Fuhhh dah brpa lama tak update blog ni. No time plus nothing to be shared lately.  Anyway the latest news is I resigned with HSBB and currently working with a new company.  A multinational one. Hopefully to gain new knowledge and project experience. HSBB was okay, but everything was slowing down. Maybe few months later,  no business for training.  So better for me to move on.
However I still in training,  but more on course developer no longer as a traineer. Good this is an improvement for me. Here I am the access network expert. 
Insya Allah this new job is good for me and my family.