Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ketuanan Melayu

The idea of become supreme existed a long time ago.

As Ceaser said " I come. I see and I conquer."

Today great nation such as United State remain one of the powerfull country with the most advance military which could attack anyone anytime anywhere in the world.

U.S involvement in Aghanistan and Iraq showed us how a threat being neutralise through war. As the world codemn this super power, it is just such as dogs barking in the street where it is useless.

Here in Malaysia the famous idea of supreme is the "Ketuanan Melayu".

Hang Tuah said " Tidak akan Melayu hilang di dunia." How they ever quote these words i dont' know. But the main point is that you need to become supreme so that you will be respect and one of the way to ensure your existant.

As for the Malays, Ketuanan Melayu is referring to domination of Malays in goverment as leaders ruling this nation.

My personal opinion, if you are a malay and live in this country happyly ever after, there could be something wrong with you.

Outside, there are things happening. Being a Malay just narrow our view as hypocrite individual where you just thinking about your own race.

Living here in Malaysia maybe is already enough,where you have a job and famillies then as time fly you'll die and then pull stop.

The things that I reffered is about our religion being tear part by part.

Why I speak about religion? This is because the religion is the face that will be see or recognize by Allah whether you are a muslim or kafir.

Different colours but share the same syahadah make us the biggest religion population in the world. That should make us strong and supreme.

However the overthrone the system of caliph, muslim were divided into races and region. The idea of nationalist being inject as part of our rights to exist.

The war of divide and rule succeed where muslim todays just as bubbles in the wide ocean, all useless.

Today in Malaysia, mabye we are the supreme race but god knows how many malays out there abscond their faiths as muslim.

What is the point of becoming supreme of "Ketuanan Melayu" if your religion is just like a toy. Pick and play, once you finish, throw it.

Malays being fooled to change their religion -murtad...

This will continue as because Malay will be a malay forever selfish hypocrite individual thinking of themselves.

If you dont' believe me, that's what happening now in Malaysia.

So where is the solution to this threat??? Are you going to do something about it or just goes on with your life and who knows maybe your children will not be lucky as you to die as muslim.

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